La maggior parte dei politici "progressisti" italiani manda i propri figli a costose scuole private: appoggiano la protesta reazionaria di professori e rettori, che fomentano gli studenti quale utile carne da macello, affinché nulla cambi nell'assetto scolastico italiano, ma ne sono talmente poco soddisfatti da non mandarci i propri figli.
ALmeno in questo Barack Obama sembra essere emulo dei baroni nel partito di Veltroni: è un nemico del movimento che cerca, tramite il buono scuola, di restituire ai genitori anche poveri un qualche controllo sulla qualità dell'educazione ricevuta dai propri figli a spese della collettività, ma si fida talmente poco del sistema pubblico, che tanto elogia, da mandare le proprie figlie in una scuola privata.
The choice made for and by the Obama girls, 10 and 7, will be personal
-- and political. As public servant No. 1, Barack Obama may feel the heat to
send his kids to public schools. The White House is zoned for Francis-Stevens
Educational Center in Foggy Bottom. Amy Carter went the public route.
But Mr. Obama could also follow the lead of the last First Family with
school-aged children, the Clintons, who said their daughter wasn't a social
experiment, and put Chelsea at Sidwell Friends, a Quaker school on Wisconsin
Avenue. Richard Nixon's daughters went there and Joe Biden's granddaughters go
there now. Similar choices are Maret, Sheridan and Beauvoir (a feeder elementary
into the National Cathedral School), all of which are top-flight private schools
that the kids of other famous people have attended. Except for the National
Cathedral School and St. Albans, all the schools on the standard list have an
appropriately -- for the incoming Administration -- liberal bent.
Assuming the Obamas keep their children in private school as in Chicago,
the ideal political profile, however, belongs to Georgetown Day School, the
first racially integrated school in Washington whose lefty roots co-exist with a
now mostly gentrified student body. Thurgood Marshall and Walter Mondale were
GDS parents, along with a handful of Senators and Congressmen (Democrats,
naturally). Obama friends Vernon Jordan and Eric Holder have ties to the place,
as well. If bets were taken on this critical issue of school choice, that's
where I'd put mine.