martedì, ottobre 18, 2005


il randiano Capitalist MAgazine ospita n articolo di Michael Berliner -- Capitalism Magazine che difende il Columbus Day. L'abitante medio del Nord America e' messo decisamente meglio oggi che prima di Colombo; persino il nativo americano medio di origine amerindia lo e'; negarlo implica una certa vena di razzismo . COme giustamente fa notare:

"the achievements or failures of one's ancestors are monumentally irrelevant to one's actual worth as a person. Only the lack of a sense of self leads one to look to others to provide what passes for a sense of identity. Neither the deeds nor misdeeds of others are his own; he can take neither credit nor blame for what someone else chose to do.
There are no racial achievements or racial failures, only individual achievements and individual failures. One cannot inherit moral worth or moral vice. "Self-esteem through others" is a self-contradiction.

Thus the sham of "preserving one's heritage" as a rational life goal. Thus the cruel hoax of "multicultural education" as an antidote to racism: it will continue to create more racism."

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