domenica, ottobre 30, 2005

I militari in Turchia e democrazia

Secondo Steven A. Cook su Slate , la recente serie di riforme amministrative hanno ridotto la visibilita' dei militari turchi, ma non hanno veramente scalfito il potere di influenza e di veto rispetto ai leader civili .

"While the Islamists are basking in the glow of the European Union's recent decision to move forward with membership negotiations, the military may actually have triumphed in its decades-long struggle against Islamists. Reforms aside, the national-security state in Turkey remains deeply embedded, affording the Turkish military ample means to influence and, if necessary, to intervene in the political arena. The General Staff, for example, remains outside the control of the civilian minister of defense. And while the Turkish prime minister formally presides over military promotions and retirements, the officers actually maintain exclusive control over personnel matters. This makes it all the more difficult to establish civilian control of the military, which is a hallmark of democratic polities. Additionally, the service codes of the armed forces, which direct the officers to defend the country and the republic from internal and external threats, remain intact.
the party has engaged in a rather open exercise in self-abnegation, refusing to identify themselves even as Muslim democrats, much less Islamists. Clearly an effort to avoid raising the ire of the military, AK's 2002 election platform is notable for the seemingly conscious effort to present the party as just another of Turkey's right-of-center parties, rather than as the direct descendant of four previously banned Islamist political groups."

Personalmente, misentirei di aggiungere, molto sottovoce un "per fortuna". I militari turchi sono stati il baluardo a favore dell'occidentalizzazione secolare ed anticomunista della Turchia; non voglio dire con questo che il fine giustifica i mezzi; soltanto che la TUrchia e' un buon esempio di come un gorverno misto, piuttosto che una democrazia pura, puo' avere i suoi vantaggi in certe situazioni, se riesce a rimanere moderatamente liberale perlomeno nelle sue aspirazioni.

As the self-endowed vanguard of Turkey's intellectual and social elite, Turkish commanders can only regard the opening of EU accession talks as an inexorable step toward fulfilling Ataturk's dream of "raising Turkey to the level of civilization"—that of the West. To be sure, this historic development has come with some costs to the military establishment, but they remain the undisputed masters of the system."

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