lunedì, gennaio 16, 2006

David Cameron, ossia il Blair dei Tories?

Businessweek si interroga sull'inarrestabile ascesa di David Cameron,
nuovo leader dei Tories inglesi. Cos'ha di tanto irresistibile da ribaltare le sorti di un partito dato quasi per finito fino al testa a testa con lgi apparentemente invincibili laburisti ?
Semplice: smebra essere lo specchio di Blair a destra.

Come Blair, ha fatto propria l'eredita' del "mitico" predecessore sulla sponda politica opposta:

"Cameron's selection represents a sharp change in course by the Tories, who have taken a terrible drubbing in three straight elections. As YouGov Chairman Peter Kellner notes, the Tories' strategy under the three leaders prior to Cameron has been to attack the policies of Labour and Blair. While Cameron still hasn't formulated detailed policies, he seems to largely accept what Blair has done, from devolving power to Scotland and Wales to boosting public spending on the National Health Service and education.
Come BLair, sembra essere in grado di atttrarre i giovani elettori dei sobborghi, economicamente "liberali" ma socialmente "progressisti"
HUMAN TOUCH. Like Blair, Cameron exudes decency and seems to empathize with people -- qualities that are more important to voters than specific policies. He's in favor of all sorts of things that appeal to young suburban voters, including boosting the numbers of female Tory members of Parliament, organic gardening, and increasing aid to Africa. 'He is trying to convey the impression that that he is prepared to act decently on the health service, on the economy, and so on,' says Kellner. "
Purtroppo, come si nota, il suo successo avviene anche a spese delle posizioni tradizionali dei Tories "tatcheriani", quelle posizioni che paradossalmente Blair fece proprie in maniera "nascosta".
In fact, Cameron has gone out of his way to treat the bloated NHS as sacrosanct, saying he has come to appreciate its doctors and nurses through the long hours he has spent in the services' facilities with his disabled four-year-old son.
Spero che il riposizionamento di Cameron non porti a renderei Tories "eleggibili" a spese della ripresa del programma di modernizzazione della Gran Bretagna. Sarebbbe l'epilogo piu' triste, per il partito che fu della Lady di Ferro.

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