Peggio. Almeno nel caso di Eltsin, la corruzione e il furto erano visti come prezzi da pagare per l'apertura dell'economia . Invece Putin da un lato nazionalizza a colpi di accuse speciose compagnie profittevoli per concentrare potere, dall'altro permette agli amici di fare lo stesso.
Zarismo puro, insomma.
L'ultimo caso, riportato dal Wall Street JOurnal, e' quello del ministro russo delle Telecomunicazioni, che sarebbe il proprietairo di importanti quote delle aziende che dovrebbe regolare. - Putin Ally May Control Big Mobile-Phone Stake: "Russia's telecommunications minister was secretly named by his own law firm as the true owner of a Bermuda-based mutual fund that has amassed control of a large share of Russia's mobile-phone industry, according to a filing in a London court.
Leonid Reiman, a longtime close confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin, also was described by his own lawyers during a confidential meeting as standing to gain financially from companies since accused of stripping Russian state telecom assets, according to records of the meeting obtained by German prosecutors in a separate criminal investigation.
The developments have prompted the Bermuda fund to abandon its longstanding legal position that Mr. Reiman couldn't be one of its owners. For years, the fund has claimed its only owner is Mr. Reiman's onetime lawyer, Jeffrey Galmond. In a sworn affidavit signed last week, a director of the fund, Swiss fiduciary David Hauenstein, said the fund's board had determined that 'the point has come when it can no longer maintain' that position."