sabato, gennaio 07, 2006

Ne dubitavate?

Fantasy fuels games with finances: "Some Warcraft players have turned into so-called 'farmers' but this does not mean that they have turned their swords into ploughshares.

Instead 'farming' is jargon for those that stay in one area of the game world and repeatedly kill particular monsters just to get at the coveted loot, be it arms or armour, that they drop.

In Warcraft many farmers repeatedly go through the game's 'instances' - stand alone dungeons - because the monsters in them are guaranteed to drop rare items.

Stocked up with this loot, the farmers travel to an auction house and flog their gear for gold.

Paul Younger, co-editor of the site, said many of these pro-players live in Asia and the game currency they get hold of is sold for real cash.

At the time of writing, 1000 gold pieces of Warcraft money sold for about £50. Since online games started to appear currency, items and characters for them have been sold via eBay and specialist sites that do nothing but trade in game gear."

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