giovedì, febbraio 16, 2006

Angolino dell'Economista

Dal New Economist: How do countries get rich?
Veloce veloce, interessante per chi s'interessa di economia e storia economica. Devo ancora leggerlo e il riassunto mi genera qualche curiosita' ...
I commenti sono bene accetti.

C. Peter Timmer from the Center for Global Development has written a new CGD Brief: How Countries Get Rich. He begins with Adam Smith's contention...

..that peace, low taxes, and good government will lead a nation to prosperity. Timmer updates this view by analyzing the role that investments in education, technology and trade have made in the rapid progress of countries like South Korea, Singapore, and Brunei. He concludes that the "miracle" of getting rich lies in creating a durable set of institutions - some public, some private - that encourage the "Smithian conditions" as well as economic openness for long periods of time.

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