giovedì, febbraio 02, 2006

Libri per bambini libertari?

Da Reason, una recensione di due autori di libri per bambini che cercano di introdurre temi libertari nel settore piu' politicamente corretto (e importante per il nostro futuro) dell'editoria.

"Many people perceive children’s books as the most politically correct genre in all publishing. Look through the kids’ section in your local bookstore, and you’ll see aisle upon aisle of vanilla. These days, celebrities like Madonna and Jay Leno produce anodyne children’s books carefully manufactured to contain nothing offensive to anyone. Although books for older readers will tackle serious issues, these will usually be “safe” themes—say, combating prejudice.

But not every book for young readers fits those stereotypes. During the last 12 years, two popular, critically acclaimed authors have written series that combine the familiar themes of rebellion and coming of age with some of the most subversive story lines seen in juvenile fiction. The novels of Lois Lowry, 68, and Margaret Peterson Haddix, 41, are thoroughly skeptical of the idea that the state should be an all-powerful benefactor"

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