lunedì, marzo 06, 2006

La polizia Inglese abbandona la liberta' di parola

Via Cox & Forkum:. La polizia inglese si rifiuta di difendere i redattori di un periodico inglese colpevole di pubblicare le vignette su Maometto, pochi giorni dopo aver provveduto a dispiegare 500 poliziotti per difendere una "pacifica" manifestazione musulmana.
Non oso immaginare i messaggi urlati durante tale manifsestazione.
Siamo alla frutta? Oltre all'Olanda, anche l'altr aculla del liberalismo europeo, la Gran Bretanga, sta avviandosi verso l'involuzione settaria e multiculturale alla libanese?

From Times Online: We should fear Holland’s silence.

[T]he story of Holland -- which I have been charting for some years -- should be noted by her allies. Where Holland has gone, Britain and the rest of Europe are following. The silencing happens bit by bit. A student paper in Britain that ran the Danish cartoons got pulped. A London magazine withdrew the cartoons from its website after the British police informed the editor they could not protect him, his staff, or his offices from attack. This happened only days before the police provided 500 officers to protect a "peaceful" Muslim protest in Trafalgar Square.

It seems the British police -- who regularly provide protection for mosques (as they did after the 7/7 bombs) -- were unable to send even one policeman to protect an organ of free speech. At the notorious London protests, Islamists were allowed to incite murder and bloodshed on the streets, but a passer-by objecting to these displays was threatened with detention for making trouble.

Holland -- with its disproportionately high Muslim population -- is the canary in the mine. Its once open society is closing, and Europe is closing slowly behind it. It looks, from Holland, like the twilight of liberalism -- not the "liberalism" that is actually libertarianism, but the liberalism that is freedom. Not least freedom of expression.

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