domenica, novembre 20, 2005

Problemi che molti vorrebbero avere

A Silicon Valley, due scuole superiori hanno un problema particolare: i bianchi se ne vanno perche' il curriculum e' troppo orientato alle secienze e alla matematica - troppo Asiatico, insomma. Se debbo essere onesto, sto con gli asiatici: il progresso non si fa con le poesie; i bianchi radical-chic di Cupertino si sono fatti rimbambire dalla retorica di Berkeley? Bene, i loro figli saranno la famosa "terza generazione" : quella che torna in maniche di camicia. - The New White Flight: "Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal interests- The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so bluntly, are too Asian."

"Some Asians believe that the resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness."

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