lunedì, novembre 14, 2005

Vogliamo uno Stato, non una tata

Arnold Kling , riflettendo sulle rivolte in Francia da parte di teenager fuori controllo, sostiene la necessita' della Separazione fra Famiglia e Stato, prima che fra Stato e Chiesa:

"One way to describe libertarianism is that we believe in the separation of family and state as strongly as the American Civil Liberties Union believes in the separation of church and state. In contrast, both the Left and the Right view government as a substitute parent. As pointed out by George Lakoff in Moral Politics, the Left wants government to be a nurturant parent and the Right wants government to be a strict parent.

Libertarianism does not want the government to act as a parent. What I want is for government to ensure that property disputes are resolved peacefully, according to rules. The rules themselves do not have to be perfect. They should reflect prevailing custom, which in turn may evolve gradually over time."

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