giovedì, novembre 10, 2005

I francesi vandalizzano anche la WTO

Insieme al resto della Ue, prontissima a dare una mano per difendere un sistema che sussidia 2% della popolazione attiva in cambio di prezzi eccessivi per prodotti alimentari di base in Europa, della fame per i paesi poveri, e promuove in generale la cattiva fede nel libero commercio - ma forse queste ultime conseguenze sono apprezzate....

A Ginevra, i rappresentanti UE si sono preparati a far fallire il
Doha Round

"Talks between WTO officials in London and Geneva have ended in stalemate and now December's talks on cutting barriers may have to be scaled back.

US trade chief Rob Portman expressed pessimism ahead of the Hong Kong talks.

'I'm sorry to report we have not been able to make the progress I would have liked to have made,' Mr Portman said.

'We've been able to bridge some differences but we have not been able to come up with the formulas and modalities for the Hong Kong meeting.'

His sentiment were echoed by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson who said the talks had succeeded 'not in narrowing differences but in defining them'.

'The gap is significant.'"

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